‘The fiercest enemy is not around us;

he is within us,

and he always speaks up when the world around us falls silent.

You cannot fight him;

you can only learn to understand him and to love him.

Learn to love again!’

What are the key issues?

In the continuation of the Metamour series, the challenges and complexities of the polyamorous relationship between Anne, Ole, and Lotta take centre stage. When Angela reappears at the commune and rekindles her provocative sexual dynamic with Ole, Anne experiences inner turmoil that leads to unforeseen consequences.

Parallel to this, Martin’s past comes into focus. After enduring a series of traumatic blows that have left him physically and emotionally scarred, he is consumed by a thirst for revenge. A tragic accident, however, forces him—albeit reluctantly—to accept the hippie commune and its alternative lifestyle as a sanctuary.

Family ties and the struggle with one’s own past play a pivotal role as Anne and Martin grapple with questions of identity and their future. The novel delves into themes of escape, new beginnings, and the search for personal peace amidst love and loss.

Why Two Are Not Enough has touched your heart?

Then Wings Of Lead will touch your soul.’

Who is the main character?

The story revolves around the complex and multi-layered characters of Ole, Anne, Lotta, and Martin. Each of them brings their own challenges, hopes, and dreams to the table, making the narrative vivid and compelling.

Der Ausenseiter Ole ist ein schwer depressiver 35-jähriger Informatiker, der nach einer traumatischen Kindheit endlich zur Ruhe kommt und lernt, sich zu öffnen. Er lebt in einer polyamoren Beziehung mit Anne und Lotta.

Anne, a 28-year-old student training to become a teacher, is unexpectedly pregnant. She struggles under the oppressive influence of her domineering father and fights to break free from the ingrained roles and behaviours instilled in her.

Lotta, the 32-year-old daughter of two hippies who settled on La Gomera during their travels along the Hippie Trail, embraces a polyamorous lifestyle. She is balanced and strives to live in harmony and peace with herself and the environment.

Martin struggles with a series of misfortunes that have left him both physically and emotionally scarred. He is haunted by grief, self-pity, and harrowing nightmares.

Cover Text

After the events of the first novel, Metamour – Why Two Are Not Enough, Anne and Ole decide to remain on La Gomera and live with Lotta in the polyamorous hippie commune, El Paraíso en el Charco.

The initial harmony is disrupted when Lotta’s 19-year-old niece, Angela, arrives to celebrate the Wiccan festival of Beltane. Following a night filled with passion and mysticism, Anne plunges into a deep crisis, eventually leaving the commune in disillusionment—a decision that leads to a tragic accident. While Martin fights for his life in hospital, his traumatic past resurfaces with full force. At the same time, Ole struggles to come to terms with the consequences of his actions.

Tensions reach a climax when Ole, Lotta, and Angela travel to southern France to attend the wedding of Anne’s sister, Siv. On the evening of the wedding, Anne uncovers shocking secrets about her mother, forcing her to reevaluate her future.

With unexpected revelations and profound emotions, this gripping continuation of the Metamour series takes readers on a captivating journey of love, loss, self-discovery, and the pursuit of healing. It is a story about the importance of forgiveness, the search for identity, and the power of community, even in the darkest of times.


What was the reason for writing this book?

After finishing Why Two Aren’t Enough, I found myself wondering how the story should continue. The main themes of Wings of Lead felt almost inevitable after some reflection. My growing fascination with polyamory and alternative lifestyles made me want to delve even deeper into these topics.

As the saying goes, “Take your broken heart and make art.” That has become one of my life mottos.

Moreover, I was deeply moved by the fate of someone I met by chance. Their story left such a strong impression on me that I decided to weave them into the book as a central character, embellishing and expanding their journey.

What is your fascination with polyamory and alternative lifestyles?

I think it ties back to my traumatic childhood. After my mother died a miserable death—and yes, I use that expression even in private—and my sisters abandoned me from one day to the next, I became a so-called latchkey kid and felt very lonely. I spent my afternoons sitting at the dining table, leafing through catalogues and dreaming of a different world.

I suppose I’ve always dreamed of a simple, communal life where everyone is there for one another and helps each other out. I’d love to live in a big house with like-minded people, filled with shared spaces and a sense of connection. Such a life would be the complete opposite of how I grew up and how I often experience and live my everyday life.

Curious? Then step into the world of Metamour.

Dive into the often quirky yet heartwarming stories of Ole, Lotta, and Anne, and experience what it means to challenge conventions and celebrate the complexity of human relationships.

In the meantime, console yourself with my first instalment, Why Two Aren’t Enough.